I’m not going to lie, I’m finding keeping a balanced diet really tricky this pregnancy, as well as eating anything at all actually. I honestly think it’s because I am just so busy with my toddler and her needs always come first. Plus, when I do finally get myself something to eat it always looks incredibly interesting to her and she takes little (okay big) pieces for herself, which leaves me with a fraction of what I set out to eat. So, I am eating little and not often unfortunately, but the thing is, I don’t actually feel very hungry at all. It’s really bizarre. Coming to the end of my second trimester now and I am sure I was much hungrier last time.
Remember Natalie: Different pregnancy, different baby, different experience all around! I have to keep telling myself this.
The one thing I am looking forward to (and not) in the next couple of weeks is my daughters first steps through the doors of her nursery. Cannot even believe I am saying this, SHE IS OFF TO NURSERY! I feel so incredibly lucky/proud/fortunate/and all of the other emotions in between to have spent 2 full years raising my daughter. They have been so fulfilling and so challenging at the same time. Those hours turned into days, which turned into months and then 2 years and I just feel so consumed with happiness and love to have taught her absolutely everything that she knows (she’s a little brain box, what can I say? She gets it from her mama.)
Anyway, I have gone way off topic here, but when she goes to nursery I will make it of the upmost importance to eat more of a substantial, balanced diet