…because I’m one of the ‘odd’ ones who actually LOVES giving birth and enjoys the journey of it. I have never been scared of it, ever. Even when my first born decided to come out backwards to the surprise of everyone in my bedroom that day (well hello little breech bottom!) I wasn’t scared. Honestly. We had planned a hospital birth and there she was making her way into this world on my comfy super king-sized bed.
I have changed people’s perspective on birth many times over. Friends, previous colleagues, family members, friends of family members, clients (obviously!)
As I am such a cool cucumber about this whole giving birth thing, I can make others relax about it. Don’t fret, it’s ok. Do it your way but keep your cool. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing and how they choose to birth their babies. Stay calm. Don’t panic. Find your tribe.
You know when you go to the supermarket and see all the different loaves of bread? Well, there is a loaf for everyone. You might mix it up every now again and go for a bit of Hovis most weeks but throw in a couple of cheese rolls for variety and a granary loaf for a heavier lunch one day. Or you may always stick to your good old trusty Kingsmill.
I am your soft, spongey loaf with sprinklings of flour on top, the light and airy one (not to be mistaken for airy fairy!) that’s easy to digest. The Farmhouse! I have been told a thousand times over that I am a really calm person. Even in some private sessions I have taught there has been a boisterous dog sitting calmly at my side, enjoying my calm energy. I have even read hypnosis scripts with the parent’s cat dozing on my lap! I am a fantastic listener, so I absorb everything, which is crucial when teaching in a 1:1 setting especially. You are not a number to me. You are a human being with another human being growing inside of you! You have your own life experiences that will shape all of your future ones, and that I completely understand. The sprinklings of flour on top thing, I guess is just that I give you a little bit extra than your average loaf but nothing too hard and heavy going.
There are so many hypnobirthing practitioners out there, just like there are loaves of bread. You may use many of us throughout your journey, or just one. What I suggest to you is that you do a little bit of research, see whose vibe you like, because trust me…we are all very different! We teach in different venues, have different mannerisms, some are medical professionals, some are not. Some have had no children, whereas others have had 3 or 4. Some have hypnobirthed their babies, some have not. Some are in their 20’s and others are in their 40’s (I’m smack bang in the middle by the way!) Even though our end goal is the same, for you to achieve a positive experience, you will learn better from some more than others.
