Sleep when the baby sleeps. How on earth are you meant to do that? You have a whole list of things to do, such as:
♡ Eat
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Drink
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Wash
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Go to the toilet
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Laundry
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Hoover
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Call your best friend
♡ Stare at your baby
♡ Make a new pile of clean nappies
….Oh wait a minute, do you actually do any of those things or are you just, guess what, staring at your baby? OR pinned underneath your baby so you cannot even attempt to do any of the above. NOTE: all of the above apply to first time mothers only. Add older siblings into the mix and the list gets longer!
If there is only one piece of advice I can give to you regarding your wellbeing postpartum, it is to ask for help. Don’t even wait for family and friends to offer it. Simply ask.
You know that saying ‘It takes a village to raise a baby?’ Well, actually it also takes a village to raise a mother. Whether this is your first, second or 8th baby, the dynamic of your family is inevitably going to change amidst the plummeting and surging of your pregnancy vs breastfeeding hormones.